virtual servers not listing in left column server list

Our Virtualmin Pro system has 115 virtual servers on it. Currently, the left column server field is only showing one server, without any dropdown option. At this point, it is impossible for us to manage or edit any other virtual servers besides the one showing.

I am workarounding it now by changing the default site showing from the "configure this page" option under "site information". That dropdown box works fine.


Closed (fixed)


rebooting the server did not solve the problem. It is occuring in IE and Firefox. I am seeing some errors in the miniserv.error log (attached), but am not sure if they are related...

Here's the html code for the menu:

<div class='domainmenu'>
<input class='ui_hidden' type=hidden name="mode" value="virtualmin">
Server:<input class='ui_textbox' name="dname" value="" size=15  ><input type='image' src='images/ok.gif' alt='' class='goArrow'>

This is a real problem, since we can't manage (without a cumbersome workaround), the virtual servers on our system.


The issue here is that once you have over 100 servers, Virtualmin shows a text box for searching instead of a drop-down menu, as the menu gets quite large.

To increase the limit of 100, go to System Settings -> Module Config -> User interface settings, and change the 'Maximum number of domains to display' to something higher, like 1000.

Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.

This happened to me too. It's kind of a "rite of passage" I guess :)