Submitted by sgrayban on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 00:24
My feature request seems to have been deleted or it was not imported.
You created a install script for it and its broken.
You are missing egw-pear which is stated that this needs to be installed or parts like webDAV/groupDAV, email and file uploading will not work.
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by sgrayban on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 00:25 Comment #1
BTW I don't like this bug tracker
BTW I don't like this bug tracker
Good review. Would read again. A++
Use your words to describe what you don't like. Maybe I can fix it. ;-)
Submitted by sgrayban on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 02:47 Comment #3
No saved searches, no bookmarks. When replies are made the emails are not formatted correctly for html or text, its all run together without any line breaks.
The tracker is confusing. Doesn't follow any tracker I know of and frankly I hate wrappers. Standalone trackers are much better and more friendly. This one is worse then the previous one.
Submitted by sgrayban on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 02:51 Comment #4
Oh and all my bookmarks I had in firefox for specific issues are now useless. You could have at least made sure that the old url's would had been translated to the new url using rewrite rules at least. Very frustrating that now I have to hunt down all the helpful links I had here.
Submitted by sgrayban on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 03:01 Comment #5
Oh the most important feature now gone "mark bug private"
Submitted by sgrayban on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 03:02 Comment #6
Oh the most important feature now gone "mark bug private"
This was the single most important reason we switched. You can definitely mark tickets private. And, it actually works in this tracker. ;-)
You could have at least made sure that the old url's would had been translated to the new url using rewrite rules at least.
I'm still working on this. It's deeply non-trivial. A rewrite rule won't do it (really, if it were possible with a rewrite rule, you think I wouldn't have already done it?). We have to have a table in the database to map between the old FS ID and the new node ID; and the URLs in the old tracker were kinda nuts. But, I hope to have something working in a day or two. I made the map in the database while transferring, we have the data, we just don't have the Drupal app to provide the mapping.
No saved searches, no bookmarks.
Saved searches is pretty useful. I'll see about getting this added.
When replies are made the emails are not formatted correctly for html or text, its all run together without any line breaks.
It seems to work fine for me. Maybe I'm missing something.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 14:27 Comment #8
Back to the original eGroupware issue .. which Pear module is it saying is missing? Because the installer should bring in all the needed Pear modules automatically. It does this using the "pear install" command, rather than the tar.gz file of modules that eGroupware provides..
Submitted by sgrayban on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 14:46 Comment #9
It's not a pear mod it's there OWN versions that are hooked in and it's installed in the same install path as egroupware, EG; if egroupware is installed at /egroup/ then egw-pear needs to be installed at /egroup/egw-pear/
So eGroupware-1.6.001.tar.gz would need eGroupware-egw-pear-1.6.001.tar.gz also.
And you would need to still do a setup at /install/path/setup/
As for the email what setting do you have emails sent as ? html ?
Submitted by sgrayban on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 14:47 Comment #10
Also when I get a email notification this is what I get.
All run together and one line.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 14:57 Comment #11
Oddly, on my system eGroupware installed just fine without that package. But I will add it to the installer ..
Jamie showed me how to reproduce the behavior you're seeing with email. I'll get it fixed now that I know how to see it.
Submitted by sgrayban on Thu, 06/11/2009 - 18:19 Comment #13
ok thanks
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 06/12/2009 - 00:36 Comment #14
Ok, try out this updated installer which also downloads the pear modules..
Submitted by sgrayban on Fri, 06/12/2009 - 01:02 Comment #15
Ok I'll try it out tomorrow and let you know.
Submitted by sgrayban on Sat, 06/13/2009 - 21:26 Comment #16
Ok the new script worked just fine with one exception.....
If webmin-php-pear is not installed it still continues with the install and it shouldn't.
The pear mods Auth_SASL, Net_IMAP, Net_Sieve, XML_Feed_Parser and Log are really needed, actually required for email and remote calDAV and contactDAV to work.
So you need to correct the script to install webmin-php-pear if it isn't detected, other then that you need to direct the user to the setup directory as well.
Now installing eGroupWare version 1.6.001 ..
add --> eGroupWare should be setup at http://xxxx/egroupware/setup/ .
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 06/13/2009 - 22:30 Comment #17
Did you still need to go through the setup process at /egroupware/setup though? The installer is supposed to do this all for you ..
Submitted by sgrayban on Sat, 06/13/2009 - 22:37 Comment #18
Yes because eGroupware is domain controlled and the default domain is Default which is the initial entry and if you need or want to add more domains you still have to go through the setup to add that.
It is also the only way to upgrade the modules as well in eGroupware also so even if you install a new version the database and modules have to be upgraded because when there is a new version of eGroupware there is also a new version of egw-pear so all this still needs to be done through the /setup/ site.
In other words the user needs to be told about the /setup/ url.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 06/13/2009 - 23:17 Comment #19
Ok .. but it does work if you go to just /egroupware/ though, right? As long as that isn't redirecting you to the setup page, the install is OK..
I will add better handing of the missing php-pear module in the next release though. However, that should never happen in most installs, as it is added as part of the regular Virtualmin setup process.
Submitted by sgrayban on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 00:45 Comment #20
No I don't think you follow how eGroupware works.
It's DOMAIN controlled as in to login its user@domain so you HAVE to do a setup in order to add a domain.
Seriously just tell the user they need to go to /setup/ to complete the install.
BTW OT I get 2 emails per notification here. One that the post as been updated and the second one tells me what was posted.. kinda stupid to send 2 emails for the same thing right ?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 12:51 Comment #21
Ok, I'll add a link to the setup page to add an extra domain.
Would it make more sense for the default domain to be instead the domain eGroupware is installed into? I could have Virtualmin set this up ..
Submitted by sgrayban on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 14:38 Comment #22
Well you could do that but you still need to check the setup.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 14:48 Comment #23
Ok, I will leave it as it is then.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 14:48 Comment #24
With the link to the /setup/ page that is ..
Submitted by sgrayban on Sun, 06/14/2009 - 15:07 Comment #25
thanks :)
eGroupware is good stuff and it's really meant to replace MS Exchange for linux. If you know what exchange is you know how extensive the setups can be so eGroupware isn't for the light hearted or newbies.
Submitted by Issues on Mon, 06/29/2009 - 01:34 Comment #26
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.