Virtualmin provides Incorrect Bandwidth Results

The server we are using for hosting is a 100Mbit server and from a simple calculation it should not allow more than 1TB traffic/day.

100Mbit/s = 12.5MByte/s 12.5x60x60=45000MByte/hour or: 43,9GB/hour 43,9x24 = 1054,6 GB / day or ~1TB/day

The bandwidth logs are showing: 06/Jun/2009 1.54 TB 05/Jun/2009 2.46 TB 04/Jun/2009 1.36 TB 03/Jun/2009 1.53 TB 02/Jun/2009 2.10 TB

over 1TB.

This cannot be possible and I believe it is a bug in the Virtualmin.



That is definately wrong..

On which page in Virtualmin are you seeing these incorrect bandwidth counts? There are a couple of places where bandwidth can be monitored..


I have attached a Jpg with a printscreen.

Jamie, if you would like to see them, let me know so I can open an account directly in the Virtualmin.

Sure, I'd like to login to your system myself and look at this directly if possible.. it sounds like some double-counting of web traffic is happening.

Jamie, I don't know how to contact you from here. Please drop me a line at my email (not sure if I should publish my email here, anyone can send me an email pretending to be you :) ) and I will provide you the credentials to login in and check the problem out.

Regards, Armand

I had a look at your system, and found that those stats seem to be correct. Webalizer is enabled for that domain, and it reports the same daily numbers .. also, manually summing up the byte counts from the logs/access_log file for a few days gives the same numbers.

Are you sure your system is really limited to 100MBps? Because it wouldn't be able to generate that much traffic at that Ethernet speed. Also, the lspci command says you have a Gigabit NIC :

02:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 02)