CentOS 8.1 as a KVM Cloudmin host?

Hello, so anyone got around of using the Cloudmin Pro (installed separately, on a CentOS 7) with a CentOS 8.1/Webmin 1.942 KVM physical host?

It was a bumpy ride on the Virtualmin side of things but I got pretty good VM running CentOS 8.1 and a full hosting stack.

Now I would think that it is not too much to ask to update Cloudmin too: I managed to get around of getting the errors when adding the host, created my own bridge installed stuff by hand, nothing special. But I can't properly run a new VM, nor migrate any existing one due to a plethora of errors, mainly network related somehow. Nevermind two corrupted VMs. Can this be a discussion at this point in time?

Thank you very much!



fakemoth's picture
Submitted by fakemoth on Wed, 04/22/2020 - 04:39

Can someone provide a proper timeline, please? We really have to know: if your software will be "CentOS 8.x ready" next year, admins should know to deploy CentOS 7 for now; if it will be like next month well maybe some of us will chose to wait and deploy the new machines with a newer OS, one that will not hit end of full updates in 2020-08-06...

This silence on the issue doesn't look good at all, not for so long.

pixel_paul's picture
Submitted by pixel_paul on Fri, 04/24/2020 - 16:36 Pro Licensee

I'm currently in the process of testing CentOS 8 out with Cloudmin. It has a few differences which mean the Cloudmin installer needs to be updated due to package deprecations. However, as you say, it is possible to get it set up with a couple of manual interventions.

I can create a VM using Cloudmin, however, there are a few issues around networking. I am able to access the VM using VNC, so (in my case I use KVM), the guest OS is working.

I can see the following boot messages:

qemu-kvm: -usbdevice tablet: '-usbdevice' is deprecated, please use '-device usb
-...' instead
qemu-kvm: -monitor tcp:,server: info: QEMU waiting for connection
on: disconnected:tcp:,server
qemu-kvm: -net tap,vlan=0,script=/kvm/my.server.hosting-eth0.sh: 'vlan' i
s deprecated. Please use 'netdev' instead.

So the commands Cloudmin is running are deprecated.

Yes, the next release will switch to using the new versions of those flags.

Any target version for this fix please ? I would be real nice to get CentOS 8 working as Cloudmin host since CentOS 7 is quite unusable due to obsolete versions of even the most basic utilities like e2fsck...

fakemoth's picture
Submitted by fakemoth on Sat, 10/03/2020 - 01:59

So, any ETA for Cloudmin on CentOS 8.x?