Error: readdir() attempted on invalid dirhandle

We are facing this error from time to time when we accept order from whmcs Error: readdir() attempted on invalid dirhandle DIR at /usr/share/webmin/virtualmin-registrar/ line 51.

We're using those software versions : Ubuntu Linux 16.04.5 Webmin version 1.941 Virtualmin version 6.08-2 Pro

Fixed (pending)


Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Tue, 03/31/2020 - 07:53


In case you're not using virtualmin-registrar module, you can disable it in System Settings/Features and Plugins.

What is the output of:

dpkg -l '*registrar*'

Thank you for your answer, of course we need virtualmin-registrar module otherwise we would not activate it. the error is happening randomly and no precise reason for that, we accept a hosting command from whmcs and when it proceeds to create the virtualhost in virtualmin we find that error. we insist on the fact that it happens occasionally not every time. for the registrars: this is the return of the command: webmin-virtualmin-registrar 2.5 all Webmin module for 'Virtualmin Domain Registration'

thank you

Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Mon, 04/13/2020 - 10:15

Assigned: Unassigned ยป

Thanks for coming back on this issue.

I will assign this to Jamie for review, possibly he has a though about it.

I'll fix this in the next Virtualmin registrar plugin release.