Created a new virtual server for a new domain. FTP works fine, index.html is visible in /public_html/ using the File Manager.
Attempt to access the site at domain/ returns 403.
Attempt to access the site at domain/index.html returns 404.
I originally tried to set up the virtual server with three aliases, but before uploading the index file. I got the same errors.
I deleted that virtual server and re-created it without the aliases, figuring maybe the problem was because there was no index file when I added the aliases. Same problem,
The rest of the sites are working fine. Only the new one doesn't work.
Closed (fixed)
Okay, now this is bizarre...
If I rename index.html -> test.html, it comes up fine.
Submitted by Jfro on Sat, 12/07/2019 - 12:21 Comment #2
you mean test.html is displayed / working or the main site....?
htaccess kind of things or file itself index.. you know you can have index... php and whatever as default index
No, / still comes up 403. but /test.html works.
I think I see what happened. If so, I have to go find someone to slap me silly... Will report in a moment.
Okay, let the slapping begin.
I accidentally capitalized index.html to Index.html at some point before uploading. I probably did it when I renamed /images to /Images.
Half a day wasted poring over httpd.conf trying to figure out what the hell was wrong, and it was a damn typo on my part.
Well, at least it's one of my own sites and not a client's.
Thanks. Please close the ticket (or better yet, shred it).
Submitted by andreychek on Sat, 12/07/2019 - 13:29 Comment #5
Howdy -- thanks for contacting us!
I'm glad you were able to figure out the issue. It's okay that sort of thing happens to all of us :-)
Feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions!
Submitted by Jfro on Sun, 12/08/2019 - 01:29 Comment #6
I like this ;)
For me (dyslexia) , then i am Dutch, living acros the border in Germany. ( Where "Capitals" are important).
And such words in LINUX as NetworkManager CENTOS 7/8 yup have a kind of the same effect here. (N and M) i tried to install Networkmanager because of that. ;)
( Programming / Databases to , i know there are rules for that but still )
NICE POST for people with dyslexia , knowing that others could make some text / grammar failures to.
Well, at least I got a refresher course on Apache and BIND configuration files.