File manager edit window opens just 3 chars wide


When I open File Manager exclusively in a new tab and edit a file the edit window opens only 3 characters wide every time. This only happens when file manager is opened in a new tab.

Webmin 1.921, Usermin 1.771, Virtualmin 6.07 Pro, Authentic theme 19.38

Best regards, Leffe

Closed (fixed)


Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Thu, 08/01/2019 - 05:06

Leffe, you're right.

It's fixed along with file editor positioning, in regard to navigation menu and side slider, so it's perfectly centered now in 19.38-11.

Thanks for reporting.

Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Thu, 08/01/2019 - 05:06

Status: Active » Fixed (pending)
Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Sun, 11/03/2019 - 09:47

Status: Fixed (pending) » Closed (fixed)