Help with upgrading php version on CentOS 7 to 7.3 (or even 7.1+)

Our server currently has php 7.0 running based on the following docs

Unfortunately as has been mentioned by many others we have clients who are having wordpress related issues now as certain plugins are insisting on php 7.1 as a minimum. As I don't see an official doc on how to upgrade or 7.0 or even add another version, I am reaching out for professional support on achieving this. Our professional license kind of relies heavily on keeping this particular customer happy so I'd appreciate very much your guidance on achieving this upgrade.

Many Thanks, Andrew

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- thanks for contacting us!

We do indeed need to update the docs to show that, but all you'd need to do is use the PHP 7.0 instructions, and modify the package names for the PHP version you're trying to install.

That is, to install PHP 7.2 -- rather than trying to install the package "rh-php70", you'd install "rh-php72".

Note though that so far the SCL repo doesn't have PHP 7.3, only 7.2.

Thank you, so I could use the same directions to install rh-php72 and then I will have 3 versions of php to choose from (5.6 , 7.0, 7.2)?

Personally, I'd recommend just PHP 7.1 and 7.2, as the other PHP versions have all reached their end of life.

My suggestion would be to keep the CentOS PHP 5.4, and just add PHP 7.1 and 7.2 to that.

But yes, you can use those same directions for installing PHP 7.1 and 7.2, just modifying the version number in the package names.

Excellent, I'll give it a shot tonight on our server.

Thanks, Andrew

Status: Active ยป Closed (fixed)'s picture
Submitted by on Sun, 01/05/2020 - 14:43

This centos-release-scl repo that doesn't contain PHP 7.3 is becoming a problem for CentOS users as 7.2 is not receiving any more updates.