How to grant access to Email Settings and right notifications bar to a user other than root?

Hi there,

I need to know how to grant access to configuration options on left bar (Email Settings in particular) and for the notifications bar positioned at right of the web page. This options only are available to root, and I need access to some of that with non-root users (to inform DKIM in external DNS for example), I checked out the options to grant in Webmin Users, but this is not available there.



Howdy -- thanks for contacting us!

Some options are only available to the Master Admin (ie, root) user.

It's possible to create additional Master Admin users, which would have the same rights as root. Though it's not possible to grant access to just that Email Settings option.

Let us know if you'd like a hand creating additional Master Admins.

brunno's picture
Submitted by brunno on Fri, 04/05/2019 - 12:37 Pro Licensee

How to change than a reseller user to master admin?

A reseller can't be converted into a Master Admin.

However, if you want, you could create an additional user with sudo privileges on your server who would have full access to everything.

Would that do what you need?

brunno's picture
Submitted by brunno on Fri, 04/05/2019 - 13:45 Pro Licensee

The user which I use already have sudo on O.S., but, in Virtualmin, this options are open to this user. I want access this options with this user, to avoid using root. I dont need another user to turn out the system more complex and confusing to maintain.

While I hadn't tried that before, since this particular user already has sudo access, that sounds like resellers can't also be Master Admin's.

That being the case, it sounds like you'd need to create a new user for this task.

Sorry, I know that's not your preference, but in general a Master Admin is designed to be an independent user, not one that's a reseller or Virtual Server owner.

brunno's picture
Submitted by brunno on Fri, 04/05/2019 - 14:21 Pro Licensee

For the specific case of dkim email config, how an reseller or an domain owner user will configure that so?