What is "really" neccessary?

Hi all,

i've been trying many scripts for server administration, but none was stable or worked that way it should (best example PLESK :-) )

Now i'm back to the roots, configuring my servers manually.

I've been reading a lot about virtualmin, but need some information:

I'd like to have Apache2, Bind9, MySQL, ProFtp, Postfix, Dovecot (as mentioned here to work best...), Spamassassin, iptables, fail2ban and Postgrey.

So, is there any tutorial, to set up a server from scratch for webhosting? (not for commercial, but i own 12 domains, and this becomes more and more intensive work :-D )

I mean, i can do the whole way with editing the config files, creating the neccessary files and directories... But when i do it this way, i don't need webmin/usermin/virtualmin anymore.

Also, german translation is a bit sluggish. Any tools to make the translation complete?

Greetings from Germany

PS: I forgot: When it is possible to make a nice and clean install, i will write a tutorial. I also did it for ispCP, unfortunately they are totally reconfiguring their script, so i can't use it any more... :-(<br><br>Post edited by: lonesomewalker, at: 2007/07/21 15:51