i need to configure virtualmin with mysql 5.7 on centos 7.5. but it shows error while connecting MYSQL. If there is any manual way to change its command or simply use DB password please inform me need to fix mysqld_safe issue and change password field with authentication_String field
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 11/21/2018 - 10:10 Comment #1
Howdy -- you may want to ensure that the various MySQL packages are installed. While that should always be the case after a new install, something may have happened to remove one or more of those packages.
If you have any additional questions -- it looks like you're using Virtualmin GPL there, the area here is for folks using Virtualmin Pro.
It's no problem to get support!
But you'd want to do so in the Forums. We monitor the Forums, along with lots of wonderful folks in the community. Thanks!