Request to move Maildir to homes (or whatever custom substitute for homes is)

Not much important issue that can be ignored if it's too complicated to implement.

There is an option in Virtualmin configurations called Subdirectory for mailbox user home directories, which you can leave intact or set a custom directory and have all user mail boxes in the default homes or newly created custom directory. But when deployed virtual servers also have Maildir directory, where mail account of the main user account is kept. So we end up explaining to end-users that they mails are located in two different directories, which is not good from usability point. So it would be very nice to have all e-mail boxes for all users including primary and secondary users for the websites in one directory. Please consider moving the Maildir into the homes directory (or whatever a custom set substitute for home is).

Closed (won't fix)


Assigned: Unassigned ยป
Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Wed, 10/31/2018 - 22:12 Pro Licensee

This would be too complicated, maybe not even possible. The Maildir is defined in a few places, and it is usually defined as $HOME/Maildir. The virtual server owner's home is /home/domainname, and so their maildir is /home/domainname/Maildir. Changing that would require either changing the virtual server owner's home directory to something in /home/domainname/homes (which is impossible, because the user needs to have access to everything under /home/domainname, and chroot and such would prevent that), or special-casing every domain owner user Maildir in every config file where that path is set. This might also be impossible, I'm not sure.

But, it also feels wrong to me. I get that our home directory model is a compromise that has some negatives; I don't love it, either, honestly...there are some things we would have done differently if ACLs had been widely available and consistent across distros and BSDs and stable when we first built Virtualmin. But, the compromise is mostly transparent to users. They don't need to know where their home is, generally, as they'll be directed to it on login, mail servers know where it is, Virtualmin/Webmin/Usermin knows where it is, etc. even if it has a different shape from the server owner account. So...the compromise is that a /home/domainname/homes (and /home/domainname/domains) even exists and isn't in some other location. But, that doesn't mean we should do something weird like putting the virtual server owner's Maildir in a subdirectory of their home. Maildir's belong in the top level of the user's home, immediately visible when logging in via SSH, and that's where it is for all user types.