Submitted by Blueforce on Wed, 10/24/2018 - 17:39 Pro Licensee
Why does the "Upload and Download" in "Webmin/Others" all of the sudden throw a warning when downloading a folder from the server in Authentic Theme, it works fine in Virtualmin Framed Theme.
The warning say:
...was linked to from an unknown URL, which appears to be outside the Webmin server...
Of course it is outside the webmin server, i'm using "Download from server - Download file from server to PC".
Best regards, Leffe
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 10/24/2018 - 21:49 Comment #1
I am not sure why download is not working for you. Could you check my video-screencast to make sure we're talking about the same module?
What is your theme version and Webmin version? What is your browser?
Submitted by Blueforce on Thu, 10/25/2018 - 05:06 Pro Licensee Comment #3
Hi Ilia,
Yes it's the same module. It has been working all the time but all of the sudden I get the warning message, and the only thing changed is the latest update of webmin that also update Authentic Theme. If I switch to Framed Theme and go to the same module it works as it should.
Webmin 1.894, Usermin 1.741, Virtualmin 6.04 Pro, Authentic Theme 19.20-beta5
I use Windows 10 Pro and Firefox ESR 52.9.0 (32 bit) and Firefox 63.0 (64 bit) and it's the same on both.
Regards, Leffe
Okay, Leffe.
I see now. This is referer warning. It happens when the link is not opened from the current UI. (like inserted directly in the URL or opened from other source).
I had my referer check to be turned off . After I turned this on, and restarted Webmin I still could download it right, without any issue in Chrome and Safari, but true - Firefox gave an error. It means referer header is not set.
It's because I was trying to print first nice user message, instead of just pushing the file. But it appears that only Firefox and Internet Explorer doesn't keep referer on
. Which is sad.
I will find the way to hack it.
Done. Please give it a try.
Submitted by Blueforce on Thu, 11/01/2018 - 18:51 Pro Licensee Comment #6
Hi Ilia,
Will this make it to a regular update soon?
Regards, Leffe
Jamie has few patches to do, as far as I know.
I will can release new theme any time. As everything major been done and fixed; few other things I wanted to do, could wait untill 19.21.
Maybe this weekend?