How to limit access of virtual server owners to Webmin modules?

Since a regular Webmin user (virtual server administrator with Webmin login enabled) could not see Webmin tab, I went to Virtualmin > System Settings > Virtualmin Configuration > User interface settings and set the Show Host Manager switch in navigation menu for server owners option to Yes. (This one keeps reverting back to No, but probably I need to file a separate report for that issue).

Finally, a regular Webmin user could see the Webmin tab, however with too loose access to Webmin modules. For example, when a users changes their passwords, then we catch the change by comparing $VIRTUALSERVER_PASS with $VIRTUALSERVER_OLDSERVER_PASS in post action script and update their web-applications like Drupal or WordPress with the new password automatically. Now if users change their password through Webmin > System > Change Passwords then we have no possibility to catch the change and automatize certain processes. So we really want to get rid of this duplication - why users would need another page to change their passwords if there is already such a feature on Edit Virtual Server page?!

Not only that one, but also we ' like to get rid of old Java File Manager since there is much better File Manager replacement. And also from Un-used Modules link with all its sub-links.

I know we could just edit /etc/webmin/webmin.acl after each new regular Webmin user is created, however I believe instead of editing that file and removing Webmin modules, it would be nice not to put them there from the very beginning. I could not find any UI configuration page to do so.

I know some users could feel differently about this request, but then making the list of Webmin modules option would be ideal. I know I can add new modules through Virtualmin > System Settings > Virtualmin Configuration > Server administrator permissions > Extra Webmin modules for server administrators, however I am talking about removing the initial already added by default Webmin modules.

Closed (works as designed)


I've just remembered there is Administrators Webmin modules page in templates and that's where I could turn unnecessary modules off.