Submitted by just_me on Sun, 04/08/2018 - 05:31
Hi again,
i have asked sometime ago about a more flexible licensing, so if the virtual servers are not being counted on each hardware server but over various hardwareservers, like you do it with cloudmin.
For instance: I have currently 5 servers. Server 1 has 9 domains, server 2 has 4 domains, server3 has cloudminpro installed, server 4 has 6 domains and server 5 has 30 domains. I would need 3 * virtualmin up to 10 domains and 1 up to 50 domains for $270 a year. But only having a total of 50 ....
Any progress on that?
Thanks and best
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by andreychek on Sun, 04/08/2018 - 09:38 Comment #1
Howdy -- thanks for contacting us!
I very much remember your question, and we gave it some serious discussion.
We've unfortunately decided that's not a direction that we're going to be able to go at this time.
That works a bit differently with Cloudmin -- it's one installation managing a number of hosts. And the setup on each of those hosts is minimal.
Whereas with Virtualmin, they'd all be independent installations, with a full Virtualmin stack on each.
So it's a bit more difficult to track the usage for one. It's also a significantly higher support cost for each Virtualmin server installation.
We're not saying we'll never go that direction with licensing, but as things stand today it didn't seem right for us.
Submitted by just_me on Sun, 04/08/2018 - 10:10 Comment #2
Well, i thought, this would be a new approach to make it easier for people like me having different servers to orchestrate but in total just reach the 50 virtual servers...
I understand your position, whereas it would have made it easier for me to decide to go pro if it was another way.
We will see, perhaps i can consolidate it on two servers with less than 50 virtual hosts each, than it would be more affordable. On the other hand i don't make that money to spend on that hosts, so i have to calculate, when it would break even, which might take some time.
Thanks and best