Mailman module fails to detect the administration list mailman

Hi, I have created the administration list "mailman" when I setup the server years ago, and Mailman is working fine. But when I try to create a new virtualserver with Mailman feature enabled, or when I try to enable "Mailman mailing lists" feature on a existent domain, I get the following error:

Failed to modify server : Mailman cannot be enabled unless the administration list mailman has been created.This can be done in the Mailman plugin module.

If I do the sugested action and try to create a list called mailman from the Mailman plugin module I get the message: List already exists: mailman

It seems Mailman Virtualmin module is not detecting the administration list "mailman".

The error started after upgrade to version 6.6. of webmin-virtualmin-mailman.

I'm using:
Virtualmin Pro 6.02-2
Webmin 1.872
Mailman 2.1.18
Debian 7.11.

Closed (fixed)


Did you perhaps create the mailman list outside of Virtualmin? If so, it may exist but not be known to Virtualmin.

To fix this, edit/create the file /etc/webmin/virtualmin-mailman/list-domains and add the line : Mailman admin list

Thank you, the solution you provided has worked.

Yes, I have created the "mailman" list outside Virtualmin when configuring Mailman service.

Ok, this case will be handled better in the next release of the Mailman plugin.

Status: Fixed ยป Closed (fixed)

Automatically closed - issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.