Issue comment notification includes the token [comment:body] not the rendered comment

Hi Guys,

Just letting you know that Issue comment notification include the token [comment:body] not the rendered comment.

Probably an update to the Drupal Token module and they've changed the way to refer to that field or wrong token used.

Yay for Drupal!



Assigned: Unassigned ยป

Howdy -- thanks for letting us know!

I notified Joe about that, he'll look into that issue.

I'm not personally seeing it, so we'll need to do a little testing to determine who all is seeing it in order to narrow down the cause. You're right, yay for Drupal :-)

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Thu, 08/03/2017 - 23:36 Pro Licensee

I'm looking into it, but I'm also not seeing the problem in my notifications. So, it's probably something specific about your settings. Drupal is such a mystery sometimes (and by "sometimes" I mean "every day, sometimes multiple times a day").

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Thu, 08/03/2017 - 23:50 Pro Licensee

And, yet your settings are the same as mine. Weird AF.

Token module hasn't changed in a while (I think there was a security update a couple of weeks ago). Do you remember when it started happening?

Thanks for looking into it Joe.

Do you remember when it started happening?

Only noticed this for the last issue I raised.

And as a long time Drupal developer, this does not surprise me in the least.