Quick question: Which directory are the virtualmin-server backups temporarily stored in before sending them to s3?
Background: I have configured virtualmin to backup all virtual servers once a week to aws s3. My /home directory is a mounted nfs share. This allows the root disk device to only be 10G total and have 4.3G left on it.
However, the backups fail because the root disk runs out of space before it manages to complete and send the files to s3. Therefore I need to know which directory the virtualmin backups temporarily store the backup files before sending them to s3. Then I can mount another nfs share over this directory, giving it unlimited space.
Why not backup straight to the nfs only? It is much cheaper to store these backups on s3 long term and just use the nfs as a temporary storage.
Thanks for your help!
Submitted by andreychek on Sun, 04/09/2017 - 10:56 Comment #1
Howdy -- Virtualmin uses the Webmin temp directory to create the backup files.
By default, that's in /tmp/.webmin.
If you're running into issues with it running out of space, you could always try selecting the following backup option:
"Transfer each virtual server after it is backed up"
That will make it so /tmp only has to hold one domain at a time, rather than all of them.
Thank you!