Webmin "hidden" category

I suggest you add a predefined Webmin category ID called "hidden" that can hold modules that are not shown in the left frame menu.

I know I can use Reassign Modules to move all the modules I currently don't want to work with (see) but don't want to delete into the Others category.

That is what I've done on my test server.

But, it would be better if they just were completely out of sight.

Also, it would be nice if I could "hide" entire categories as I see no reason to have a category called "Cluster" in my case.

Basically, I'm looking to simplify the look of Webmin so the menu only shows me modules I might actually want to use and hides the rest.

One of the daunting aspects of Webmin is that there are so many modules in so many categories. I seem to be opening up each category and searching for the module I want too often. Frankly, I'll only be using less than 10 of these modules on my real server. It would be good if I could just have a single category that had these 10 modules listed for easiest access.

At the same time, I don't want all the unused modules deleted since I might occasionally need one of them or start using them. If that is the case, I could just unhide the module and start using it.

The same could be said for the Virtualmin menus, but for the most part, I'll probably use most of them. But still, it might be good to have the same menu system (with hide operation and menu configuration options) as the Webmin side.

Just a suggestion...