New script installers?

Would it be possible to add a script installer for SuiteCRM (The open source fork of SugarCRM) and OpenEMR, which is used for Electronic Medical Records in developing nations? Thank you!



SuiteCRM would certainly be possible, assuming that it follows the same install process as SugarCRM.

Is OpenEMR a PHP app though?

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Sun, 01/15/2017 - 22:43 Pro Licensee

OpenEMR is PHP. Looks pretty simple:

It has a somewhat long list of dependencies, but not in crazy versions or anything:

Note that it has instructions all the way down to CentOS 5, so it's probably low hassle. It hasn't been request before, though, so it's probably not quite as high priority as SuiteCRM, which I think has been requested by others. And, people love CRM, so more of those is great.

Ok, I will probably do SuiteCRM first.

Great, thank you! With the Affordable Care Act more and more organizations need an Electronics Medical Record system so having this in Virtualmin would be tremendously helpful to gaining adoption. We're going to use it a ton in my Medical Informatics program.

hi! i'm also very interested in these two scripts. did you have the possibility to write one or both of them? thanks joel

SuiteCRM is in progress, but it's installer is VERY hard to script in Virtualmin.