Select Sub Sites

I need to change the proxy url on all subsites under a parent site. There are over 200 subsites in this setup, is there a way to do that for all subsites under a parent site?

Closed (fixed)


I need the comments posted to this ticket from the old system. Or at least the final resolution comment.

Howdy -- while I don't know how to fix the permissions on the comments, Jamie's reply that fixed the issue was the following:

The best way to do this would be from the command line, with a command like :

for dom in virtualmin list-domains --user OWNER --with-feature parent --name-only; do virtualmin modify-web --domain $dom --proxy done

Replace OWNER in the script above with the administration login for the parent site.

When I run that it seems to be just using the actual command as a set of strings, rather than using what was returned by the command.

nevermind, I figured you have to put the command in $() for is to use the output in the loop. Thanks!