Virtualmin validate-domains doesnt check for /home/$user/tmp


Virtualmin sets php.ini files of virtual servers to use /home/$user/tmp as the session.save_handler however the existence of this folder is not validated in virtualmin validate-domains

I see that virtualmin is not creating this tmp folder for new virtual servers on my server for some reason! and I expect to see this when validating domains in VIrtualmin

Closed (works as designed)


That's odd, because the Virtualmin code that makes that php.ini change also creates the directory.

If you SSH in as the domain owner, are you able to manually create ~/tmp ?

Mostafa's picture
Submitted by Mostafa on Sun, 12/25/2016 - 04:43

OK Im using mod_php this is why the tmp folder is not created. anyway it would be great to check for this folder if php execution mode is set to fcgid

But in mod_php mode, the per-domain php.ini files are used, and thus neither is the per-domain save_handler setting.

Mostafa's picture
Submitted by Mostafa on Wed, 12/28/2016 - 01:07

Status: Active ยป Closed (works as designed)