Hi I've had to start a new thread. I've been exhausting the process for 5 hours to try to get this to work.

I am new but the install process should not be causing problems, I don't believe.

Ok, fresh install, running Configuration Update, error states: Virtualmin is configured to setup DNS zones, but this system is not setup to use itself as a DNS server. Either add to the list of DNS servers, or turn off the BIND feature on the module config page.

ok. I've gone through this post https://www.virtualmin.com/comment/767930#comment-767930 and Joe helped by saying I could go to: System Settings / Virtualmin Configuration / Advanced Options / Check resolv.conf for this system ? - Set it to No

I did that. And after the reconfigure it ran ok BUT created a new error with CLAM Shell.

It stated there was an error with clamshell Failed to save enabled features : The ClamAV program clamscan does not appear to be working properly : . Either change the program on the spam and virus scanners page, or disable this feature.

ok, so went into the plugins page to disable and stop the CLAM from booting up at the start - 2 of the 3 CLAM processes worked to stop, then third which had Daemon on the end would not change from Yes to No, to stop the process from booting. I literally tried changing it 5 times even though it said it saved the setting. The line item was: clamav-daemon.socket Socket for Clam AntiVirus userspace daemon It just would not change.

I then tried to re-configure with that an it said Failed to create virtual server : Virus filtering cannot be enabled unless email and spam filtering is

Oh boy, so I went into Webmin and took off filtering and spam.

Problem is: I looked at my server and it said h1.kaisho.work on

It changed the server IP? Is that normal? My IP was the one from digitalocean.

I cannot get a clean install. If there is no resolution I cannot install VM - it's just not working.

Q. Do I need to try this on another VPS provider? WOuld that make a difference? Q. Are any of the issues Name Server related? Maybe I don't have my A records or MX records right - does it matter? Q. I changed my records in Digital Ocean and the Registrar - should they match? Does DO replace the registrar?

I just cannot see why I cannot get a clean install. So frustrating.


Closed (works as designed)


Howdy -- it sounds like you're pretty close, it seems like you're running into an issue with ClamAV at the moment.

As a temporary troubleshooting step, are you able to create a new Virtual Server if you don't enable the ClamAV feature?

You should be able to leave email and spam filtering on, while disabling ClamAV.

If you look in System Settings -> Features and Plugins, you can disable the ClamAV feature there. You don't need to stop the process altogether, just tell Virtualmin not to try to enable it (for now, let's see if other things are working first).

If that doesn't work, what issue do you run into when trying that?

Thanks Actually when I went through the wizards steps I purposely kept the spam and filtering and clam off to save resources. In fact, when I went into the page that says to turn off Spam filtering, at the bottom was a button that said "Enable Clam xx" - which to me means it was shut off.

So I guess the answer is it doesn't make a difference but I will try again.

Ok so tried that again. here is the error: Failed to create virtual server : Virus filtering cannot be enabled unless email and spam filtering is

That is, I went to Webmin and disabled 3 processes for Clam, clamav-daemon Clam AntiVirus userspace daemon No No clamav-daemon.socket Socket for Clam AntiVirus userspace daemon No No clamav-freshclam Clam AntiVirus virus database updater No No

Then I created the virtual server, and the error is as above.

I am totally lost on this, I cannot think I am doing something wrong, it's basic install, right?


After I change the feature and re configure, this is the clam error. *** But on the wizard I put do not install CLAM.

The ClamAV program clamscan does not appear to be working properly :

LibClamAV Error: cli_loaddbdir(): No supported database files found in /var/lib/clamav ERROR: Can't open file or directory

----------- SCAN SUMMARY ----------- Known viruses: 0 Engine version: 0.99.2 Scanned directories: 0 Scanned files: 0 Infected files: 0 Data scanned: 0.00 MB Data read: 0.00 MB (ratio 0.00:1) Time: 0.003 sec (0 m 0 s) . Either change the program on the spam and virus scanners page, or disable this feature. .. your system is not ready for use by Virtualmin.

Also please note for reason now the CPU level is at 73% - constantly.

We're happy to help with all the issues you're seeing, though let's finish up this ClamAV issue first before we look into the CPU load issue.

If you go into System Settings -> Features and Plugins, is there a checkbox to the left of the "Virus Filtering" option, indicating that it's enabled within Virtualmin?

also when I go to kaisho.work, the Apache page appears and the page says IT WORKS. So something is working, just not correctly. Thx

ok I did that and now the clam error has gone and it says that VM is activated and ready for use. ""your system is ready for use by Virtualmin.""

The CPU rate has gone down to 53%.

It's just I don't understand why I have to do these changes if it's a clean install. I wonder did I do something or do other people go through this? I'm not a totally techie but do can grasp the processes. It's almost like I have to document all this just to make sure I know what I need to do next time, but it should be fast which is the purpose of the control panel. It's frustrating I don't get a seamless install - I asked at DO and they said it has nothing to do with their servers. Thanks

The webmin CPU and VM cpu are now near 3%.

BTW I can now no longer acess kaisho.work Forbidden

You don't have permission to access / on this server. Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) Server at kaisho.work Port 443

Before I could. so strange.

We're happy to help with the issues you are seeing, but we can only assist with one issue at a time.

Which of those issues would you to go over first?

Well I don't know, I thought they are all related. I made one change as you suggested with the spam and plugins and it worked but the website does not render.

So I suppose the website not rendering is the issue now.

I know I'm blasting out issues and don't mean to, is a bit frustrating to have the issues build up - the Control Panel should make it easier but I'm finding it harder. On top of that I feel dumb for not getting this correct, people depending. Thanks.

Accessing the website via IP address works. It lists the Apache page. So that tells me something is not right with the domain? Just guessing.

It looks like your seeing several unrelated issues there.

We're happy to help with all of them! We just get confused easily, so working through them one at a time is best for us :-)

Okay, so in regards to the permission error you're receiving when accessing your website -- that permission error can occur if there isn't a website uploaded to the public_html folder for that domain.

What happens if you go into $HOME/public_html, and you add an index.html file with something like "Hello world" -- does that get displayed when accessing that domain?

Yeah, I hear you. Will keep it on topic. Fair statement.

Yes! That worked. Great - that's solved. Thanks.

The CPU level is minimum, which is good.

I am going to try roundcube installation again but will post if there are any problems in the other ttopic that I started prior.

I think this can be marked closed, thanks to your help.

Status: Active ยป Closed (works as designed)

That's good to hear!

If you see the issue with high CPU usage again, you may want to run the command "top" to see if there are some processes in particular sitting at the top of that.

Also, you can run the command "ps auxwf" and paste that into here, that will show a full process list.

And, just to ensure it's not related to email, you can also run "mailq | tail -1" -- that will show how many emails are in the mail queue.

A lot of email in the mail queue is a common source of resource problems.