install php5-imap - libc-client question

Hi Guys,

I needed to install php-imap for a 'support software' script for a client. The usual process of installing php modules was quite simple but the installation asked the following question and I'm not sure of the consequences in relation to virtualmin?

Libc-client earlier than version 2002d (and development versions of 2003) included an unofficial and no longer maintained patch to support Maildirs. By default Maildirs were not used by uw-imapd or ipopd, but if you have changed your system configuration or other installed programs depend on libc-client then upgrading may result in broken mail handling.
Do you want to continue installing a libc-client without Maildir support?

Continue installing libc-client without Maildir support?

I remember seeing various Maildir dir's so I clicked 'No', but as stated I'm not sure of the consequences?

Kind Regards,

Closed (fixed)
