I just hit the update on the installer scripts. I am updating 100 site with joomla newest update. I hacked the latest-scripts/joomla.pl to force the 3.6.4 a security update.
It been 30 minutes, the red script is still on the top of the page. WHAT IS IT DOING ? Is it working.?
I reported this back when the when the theme was first changed. This was fixed, I looked to find the old support request number but I did not see all the issues where I reported it. I know I reported this and you took that out.. well .. IT's broken again!! ... I wish you would remove the red bar hiding the screen when working. I had to change the usermin back to the framed theme, for that reason and and complaints about that. I hate to say at times I wish the Webmin was still running the framed theme.
Thanks Don
I haven't changed anything in this regard since back then.
Have you recently updated Virtualmin? Maybe something has been changed on its side?
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 10/25/2016 - 13:12 Comment #2
Can you show us a screen shot of what it is that you are seeing?
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 10/25/2016 - 13:19 Comment #3
Also, I wanted to mention that you certainly can configure Webmin to use the Virtualmin Framed theme if you like.
You can set that by going into Webmin -> Webmin -> Webmin Configuration -> Webmin Themes, and there you can set that globally.
Also, in Webmin -> Webmin -> Language and Theme, you can set a per-user theme, allowing you to override the global one.
Submitted by DonPeek on Thu, 10/27/2016 - 00:03 Pro Licensee Comment #4
55 minutes later the screen showed .. That is to long to wait for the script to tell you what it did to the site..
I know I can change the the framed theme.. I worry all the updates will not be rolled back into the old theme, or I would never have changed.
Whatever it is you're reporting about is not the theme issue.
I will make the red bar optional for you. However, the tab's loader in browser is spinning exactly the same amount of time as the red loader on the top. Any inconsistency would represent theme issue.
Submitted by andreychek on Thu, 10/27/2016 - 08:13 Comment #6
The Framed Theme is receiving all all the Virtualmin features.
It sounds like Ilia is going to help with a workaround in your case, but Framed Theme users will have access to all of Virtualmin features so long as the framed theme is supported.
The may be a point where the framed theme is no longer supported, but that's down the road, and we'll make an announcement about it when that happens.
Don, hi!
I read about the same issue in the past, that you posted and now have an idea about what you're talking and how to fix it. You meant
that is run for mass update. I never used it so I couldn't know.Any time it happens in other parts of the VM, please just let me know the iframe's full pathname by opening console, switching to
and runninglocation.pathname
.It will be fixed in 18.20. Sorry for any inconvenience posed.
Version 18.20 is out, please upgrade.