Send warning notifications before threshold is reached

Coming from and creating a separate feature request as the second comment there has been ignored.

In short, Virtualmin allows to automatically send e-mail and disable virtual server if it has reached set threshold. It is really a good feature, but if you think then it would be much nicer to send pre-overage notifications, in other words not when the VS has de-facto already exceeded, but beforehand, for example, when it reaches 90%. That way users could avoid getting their virtual servers automatically disabled. Moreover, they will be pissed off if their servers are disabled without preliminary notification. Other control panels send this kind of notifications before the limit is used up and Virtualmin really must follow their suit.

Closed (works as designed)


Howdy -- in System Settings -> Bandwidth Monitoring -> Email Messages, there is an option there called "Send warning email?".

That option allows you to send a warning email, and you can specify when it gets sent.

So if you're interested in sending warnings emails when the bandwidth threshold reaches "90%", you can specify "90" in that field.

Will that do what you're after?

Status: Active ยป Closed (works as designed)

Eric, yes that takes care of what I wanted. I didn't notice that option as its fieldset was initially collapsed. Thank you.