I'm seeing the following error when using the WPMU Install Script for a particular Virtual Server:
[code]Downloading http://scripts.virtualmin.com:80/wpmu-2.7.zip (2064811 bytes) ..
Received 1024 bytes (0 %)
Received 206848 bytes (10 %)
Received 413696 bytes (20 %)
Received 619520 bytes (30 %)
Received 826368 bytes (40 %)
Received 1033216 bytes (50 %)
Received 1239040 bytes (60 %)
Received 1445888 bytes (70 %)
Received 1652736 bytes (80 %)
Received 1858560 bytes (90 %)
Received 2064811 bytes (100 %)
.. download complete.
Configuring Apache PHP settings ..
.. already done.
Now installing WordPress MU version 2.7 ..
WordPress MU database configuration failed : HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
More information on using this script can be found at http://mu.wordpress.org/.
.. installation was only partially complete.
Re-loading Webmin ..
.. done
It creates the database, but it's empty.
I received the same results in two different attempts on that Virtual Server.
The same install script works fine on other Virtual Servers.
Any thoughts on what might be going awry, or how to track the problem down?