Submitted by masterg0g0 on Fri, 08/19/2016 - 05:08 Pro Licensee
Hello, I have converted one of the VMdisk into an image and got it running just fine on cloudmin KVM host. now what i am missing is the option to install webmin automatically via the cloudmin logon into this KVM. think this is due to the fact that cloudmin does not have access to the KVM instance.. if i see the status of SSH, it keeps failing trying to connect, ofcourse it is not able to as the password does not match for root..
What command line could i pass into this kvm to get this to work?
thanks a lot, Rohit.
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by andreychek on Fri, 08/19/2016 - 08:54 Comment #1
Howdy -- so just to clarify, you're saying that the VM is online, and SSH is working -- but the password Cloudmin is trying to use for SSH isn't correct?
So you're looking for a way to update the password Cloudmin is using for that particular host?
Submitted by masterg0g0 on Fri, 08/19/2016 - 08:57 Pro Licensee Comment #2
that is correct understanding, this was a appliance VMware image which i converted and then made it to run.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Sat, 08/20/2016 - 00:21 Comment #3
You can fix this by shutting down the VM, then using the Change Password link on the left menu in Cloudmin. This will edit the password directly on the VM disk image.
Submitted by masterg0g0 on Sat, 08/20/2016 - 00:28 Pro Licensee Comment #4
Cool thanks
Submitted by masterg0g0 on Sat, 08/20/2016 - 00:29 Pro Licensee Comment #5