SMTP Restrictions feature


Recently i have found out that there is a PHP package allows users to send out email that bypass postfix and system email log.

That is a really a black hole for spammers to send out email directly without server admin realized about the problem.

cPanel has the feature called "SMTP Restrictions" to prevent this spamming activity.

I'd like to ask if there is any similar feature in virtualmin to cope with this kind of spamming activity?




Howdy -- sorry, there isn't such a feature at the moment, though we'll review what would be involved in setting something like that up.

I'm not sure if we'll have built in support for it, but perhaps we could at least write up some documentation on how to make it work.

My best guess is that it involves setting up a firewall on outgoing port 25 traffic, but allowing traffic that's originating from Postfix.

Hi andreychek,

It is great to hear about that.

Could you tell more about how to set up firewall to allow only smtp traffic that originate from postfix?

Thank you again!

Also, I just wanted to mention that it looks like your Virtualmin Pro license has expired there -- and I wanted to make sure you knew that it's cheaper to get a license now.

For example, rather than needing to purchase yearly, you can simply pay $6/month to get a Virtualmin 10 license like the one you have there.

Just a heads up!

Hi andreychek,

Thanks for the reference link and info about the license. I will look into it later tonight.