webmin 1.450 cannot upgrade to 1.460-1

CentOS 5 VMPro machine running 1.450 webmin. The VM pro System Info page did not show the webmin upgrade as an option, but it did show VMPro v3.66 and a few other minor upgrades.

I went to the webmin module and tried to upgrade from "www.latest version from webmin.com" and the upgrade failed. Got a message something like "could not load to :". Sort of like a temp storage space for the RPM file was not available.

I put your webmin upgrade url (http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/webadmin/webmin-1.460-1.noarch.rpm) directly into the upgrade module and the upgrade worked fine.

I have upgraded successfully, but I thought you should be aware of a potential problem.

Closed (fixed)
