can not change theme all i see circle

can not change the theme. theme takes long time to load

try to change theme but it still does not change

need help to change this theme to old virtualmin framed theme

Closed (cannot reproduce)


Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Sun, 06/19/2016 - 12:56


Could you provide more information?

How did it happen? Did it work before? Did you do anything in this regard?

What is OS version? What do you have in logs?

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Sun, 06/19/2016 - 23:26 Pro Licensee

It is possible to change the theme from the command line by editing /etc/webmin/config and changing theme to "virtual-server-theme". You may also need to change miniserv.conf to make the "preroot" option be "virtual-server-theme", as well.

Joe's picture
Submitted by Joe on Sun, 06/19/2016 - 23:27 Pro Licensee

We'd also love to know why Authentic isn't working. Are there any errors in /var/webmin/miniserv.error?

Ilia's picture
Submitted by Ilia on Sun, 07/24/2016 - 12:29

Status: Active ยป Closed (cannot reproduce)