php7 downgrade to 5.6

hi - i figured out the easiest way to downgrade php 7 back to 5.6:

yum -y remove php70w*; yum -y install php56w php56w-common; php -v ;

but what about the websites that currently point to php7? do i just go into "server check" and let virtualmin figure out the php downgrade change?

i get the feeling at that point i better go into each virtual-server and make sure its pointing to the correct php.

edit: i am tempted to install virtualmin on virtualbox, go from php5 to php7 back to php5, and try it out first, just to see what happens.



Howdy -- hmm, I don't think that Virtualmin would automatically handle the case where a PHP version is removed.

Those sites would most likely generate errors until they're changed to another PHP version.

Do you know which sites are using PHP 7? If so, my suggestion would be to make a list of those sites, and just change them over to your preferred PHP version after removing PHP 7.