Submitted by katir on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 15:50 Pro Licensee
This relates to this new web site and it's forums. I loved your own forums. I could easily subscribe to a topic and also easily find what I has posted before.
When we create a new topic. or go to a topic. there is not way to check "Subscribe" or "Email Responses" or "Watching" [true/false]
Also there is no "My Posts" which which would bring up anything you recently submitted.
These features are important, because the forums become, in effect, a knowledge database for it's users and access is really valuable.
I posted something yesterday.. .but today can't find it. I know that's "just dumb" but if I had a "My Posts" option... it would be one click to see all my forum posts that i created.
Submitted by andreychek on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 15:57 Comment #1
Howdy -- it sounds like we may need to come up with a better way to present those options (Drupal doesn't always have very sensible defaults it would seem).
But you should be able to see your own posts if you go to
Also, there should actually be a subscribe button underneath the post. If you're not seeing one though, I can look into that deeper to try and figure out why it's not showing up.
Submitted by katir on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 20:10 Pro Licensee Comment #2
"Also, there should actually be a subscribe button underneath the post. If you're not seeing one though, I can look into that deeper to try and figure out why it's not showing up."
Definitely not... I'm here now... underneath we have
Text Format [with all the info on markdown as the default choice
Followed by two square buttons
Save | Preview that's it... no subscribe check box.
I will check out the tracker... thanks.
Submitted by andreychek on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 21:24 Comment #3
Do you by chance see Subscribe buttons in Forum posts? Alas, much to my dismay, there's a different way for managing notifications on Forum posts than there is for the support tracker here.