

Could you tell me if there is way to create a backup of Virtualmin System? I would like to do that to restore the system in case it failed for some reason (also I would like to tell me how can I restore it). Finally, how can I create backups for virtual servers?




Howdy -- our recommended way to perform a backup is to go into Backup and Restore -> Scheduled Backups, and to have it perform Virtual Server backups at your preferred intervals. You may want to store at least some of the backups at a remote destination.

Then, if there is a problem, what you could do is reinstall your Linux distribution, install Virtualmin, and then use the Backup and Restore -> Restore Virtual Server functionality to restore your domains.

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 14:48


I set a backup and works ok. After, I try to set it in order to take every day backup and keep the backup for the last 7 days but I get the error below

Failed to save scheduled backup : Deletion of old backups is only supported when a date-based destination is used, and strftime substitutions are enabled.

How can I set to take every day backup and keep the files of the last 7 days of them?


You may want to take a look at the help text associated with the "Delete old backups" option, it explains how that works, and includes an example of how to set it up.

You can see that by clicking the text "Delete old backups" on the Scheduled Backups screen.

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Sun, 04/10/2016 - 17:17


I set it :)

Thank you.