Submitted by MTUser2012 on Fri, 04/08/2016 - 17:48 Pro Licensee
On some of my Virtualmin installations under Webmin I have a menu item "Virtualmin Technical Support Request." All my installations have my Virtualmin Pro license installed. I guess I don't understand why this is an option for some installations, but not others.
Thanks, Chris
Submitted by andreychek on Fri, 04/08/2016 - 17:58 Comment #1
Howdy -- that functionality isn't actually working right now actually. The ability to submit a support request from within Webmin/Virtualmin stopped working once we switched to this new website.
That'll be up and running again, hopefully later this year, but as of now that doesn't work.
That said, the reason you see the option in some installations but not others, is that it's a separate module called Virtualmin Support.
For the time being though it's necessary to create support requests through the website on sorry!