openVPN script


Is there any script that I can install openVPN or VPN generally?

I would like to give access to my server to my clients by using a VPN tunnel. Is it possible to do it using a script or I have to installed a VPN tunnel manually?



Howdy -- Ubuntu does indeed come with packages for OpenVPN.

You can install those using apt-get from the command line, or in Webmin in Webmin -> System -> Software Packages.

If you do a search in the above screen for "openvpn", you'll see a number of packages come up.

Also, note that SSH provides VPN functionality as well, depending on what you guys need. Some instructions on setting that up are here:

Note that while we're quite happy to point you in the right direction with what VPN to use or how to install it, setting up and configuring a VPN is a bit outside the scope of Virtualmin support. That's not really our area of expertise, so we wouldn't be able to provide assistance in setting that up.

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Mon, 03/21/2016 - 16:32

Thank you very much for this information.

Do you know how can I install it to webmin? I download the file "openvpn-2.6.wbm.gz" from website but then I don't know how can I install it to my system.

You can install Webmin modules by going into Webmin -> Webmin -> Webmin Configuration -> Webmin Modules.

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Tue, 04/12/2016 - 02:50


I have installed it and I have made some settings. Now when I try to finish it, the theme cannot display the script correctly so in order to see the options I set another theme temporarily but when I try to change something I got error.

Do you have any idea/suggestion why this happens?

Unfortunately, Virtualmin doesn't have an official OpenVPN module, it's made by a third party... it looks like that module hasn't been updated in a few years, and may not be compatible with the new Authentic theme.

When using the older theme, what errors are you seeing while making changes?

It might be necessary to contact the module developer to determine how to fix the issue, but we can at least review the error with you, and help determine whether it's an issue in the module, or an issue on the server-side of things.

itwebservices's picture
Submitted by itwebservices on Tue, 04/12/2016 - 15:44

when I install it for first time it works ok but I have to do a few setting in the network. I believe something get wrong when I install the cloudmin and the bridge for KVM. I will unistall and re-install again and I will come back to you.