Submitted by dbellota on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 18:50
In a fresh install over Debian 8.6 after the first login, the post installation wizard not start. In system settings, the menu to relaunch the wizard has disappeared.
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by dbellota on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 20:02 Comment #1
Submitted by andreychek on Sat, 03/19/2016 - 23:01 Comment #2
Ilia, we've had some reports recently suggesting that the post-install wizard may not always be running.
The post-install wizard should always run, unless there is a "wizard_run=" line in the Webmin config.
Jamie was wondering if maybe this could be a theme issue?
I'm going to do some additional testing though to see if I can get some more info.
I remember discussing with Joe and making it work.
However I'm positive that when I did testing was was just toggling
. That worked for sure but i didn't expect it to be empty. In case it can be empty value, it needs more testing then.Other issue that it's outdate version of the theme. On the changelog, you can see when it was implemented.
Looking at the code at
line 3439, I found that it should go where needed even if the value is empty:our %virtualmin_config = &foreign_config('virtual-server');
if ( $t_uri_virtualmin != -1
&& $virtualmin_config{'wizard_run'} ne '1' )
$udefgoto = '/virtual-server/wizard.cgi';
else {
$udefgoto = '/sysinfo.cgi';
When the things run first time VM should be default and
$t_uri_virtualmin != -1
should also resolve totrue
Submitted by dbellota on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 07:50 Comment #5
the issue is related to the new theme. When changing to the old, post-install work fine
Submitted by andreychek on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 10:53 Comment #6
Which version of the Authentic theme are you using there, dbellota?
It could possibly be an issue of Ilia having corrected that problem, but Webmin having an earlier version included in it.
Submitted by dbellota on Sun, 03/20/2016 - 11:41 Comment #7
Authentic Theme V. 17.72.
It was also another point. It will be fixed and working in 17.80.
Thanks for reporting! :)
Please upgrade 17.80 is out!