I've been struggling with this issue for a few days now and I have completed most 'fixes' to resolve the issue, however I now have a Virtual Server which will not work in FCGId mode, only CGI and mod_php mode.
To note this is a Virtual Server that has been 'Transferred' from another Virtualmin server, where the site was set to run in mod_php mode.
This has worked up until now: set the server to mod_php, removed the immutable bit from fcgi-bin/php5.fcgi and removed and then switched back to FCGId mode - However, now, the server continues to 500 with "mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server". When I switch to CGI mode, the server does not error, and operates as expected.
Any pointers to something I may be missing?
I am keen to understand why this is happening - I can always just set up a fresh Virtual Server from scratch to get around this, but if this happens again in the future, it may be in a more pressured situation around the transfer, so would appreciate any help with solving this problem.
Submitted by andreychek on Tue, 02/02/2016 - 16:34 Comment #1
Howdy -- what distro/version are you using on your server there?
And what distro/version were these domains on previously?
They are both CentOS 7
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 02/03/2016 - 14:54 Comment #3
I re-read your initial message, and it sounds like this issue is occurring for just one domain?
I wanted to verify, are other domains successfully using FCGID? This problem is only occurring for just this one?
I've encountered this problem with another domain on the same server.
And to clarify, other domains are working with FCGId.
Do you have anything other to add Eric?
Otherwise I will stop 'transferring' domains in this manner and resort to using git to get the code on the new server.
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 03/02/2016 - 11:21 Comment #6
Sorry I must have missed your update notification.
What I was trying to determine, was whether the issue could be related to the FCGID Apache module not working properly. But if some domains are working under FCGID, that shouldn't be the case.
Just to clarify though -- some domains are indeed using FCGID without errors now?
The way you transferred the backups should work just fine.
One thing you could try is to go into Limits and Validation -> Validate Virtual Servers, and in the "Validate Now " tab, try validating one of the Virtual Servers that's experiencing a problem. It may be able to detect whether there's an unusual problem going on.
I don't seem to have an option to receive update notifications, so I don't receive them either ):
So yes, to confirm, some virtual servers are working just fine in FCGId, however there are a couple now that just will not.
Validating the virtual servers pulled up an issue: Analytics tracking not enabled - somehow there must have been an issue during the transfer and analytics tracking want picked up. Anyway, I disabled and renabled and the website now is working with FCGId - not sure what other reason this could have been, but it seems to have solved the issue!
Many thanks,