lookup-domain cache?

This piece of lookup-domain.pl discloses that there should be a nice cache file to hopefully speed up processing of the lookup code, would fix the "server stops" on spam runs. But I can't find where its using it. Is there a hidden option to enable it, or is it just not in use?

# Open the cache DBM
$cachefile = "$ENV{'WEBMIN_VAR'}/lookup-domain-cache";
eval "use SDBM_File";
dbmopen(%usercache, $cachefile, 0700);
eval "\$usercache{'1111111111'} = 1";
if ($@) {
        eval "use NDBM_File";
        dbmopen(%usercache, $cachefile, 0700);


The cache should be used by default - it is stored in /var/webmin directory.

Well, thanks.. Feeling a bit stupid now. But since I am here, this is it:

-rwx------.   1 root bin     4096 Aug  5 11:22 lookup-domain-cache.dir
-rwx------.   1 root bin     9216 Sep 17 16:47 lookup-domain-cache.pag

Files sizes look like its working?

That looks OK to me.

Also, is there a lookup-domain-daemon process running on your system? If so, the caching is actually done inside that process.