Avoid receiving regular notifications from Google DMARC

Apparently the last version of Virtualmin came with Google DMARC enabled by default. Since then we started to receive daily notifications from noreply-dmarc-support@google.com. This becomes really annoying, especially if you have lot's of Virtualmin based servers. How could this be avoided? Those notifications seem to be purely informative and we would prefer not to receive them.

Closed (fixed)


Howdy -- there was recently a DMARC feature provided with Virtualmin, though to my knowledge that's not enabled by default (or at least, the systems I have here all came with it disabled by default).

I did some reading, and see that for domains with DMARC enabled, Google will indeed send a notification email once a day, as you're seeing.

My suggestion, if you don't need it, would be to filter emails from the email address "noreply-dmarc-support@google.com" so that they go into your Trash folder, rather than your inbox.

Or, if you don't need DMARC, you could always disable that in Server Configuration -> DNS Options, and there set "DMARC record enabled" to "No".

You can also disable the creation of DMARC records for new domains at System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default settings -> BIND DNS Domain -> Add DMARC DNS record?

Thanks, this takes care of the issue.

You can also disable the creation of DMARC records for new domains at System Settings -> Server Templates -> Default settings -> BIND DNS Domain -> Add DMARC DNS record?

Unfortunately, despite the fact that DMARC is disabled per your instructions above, Virtualmin keeps generating records like this one:

username-2014._domainkey.test.com. IN TXT ( "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=s; p=MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAw5Y+nMfWBEUdU"
"8sncBqV0QIDAQAB" )

It is happening now on:

Operating system CentOS Linux 6.7 Webmin version 1.760 Virtualmin version 4.18.gpl

That's DKIM record though, not DMARC.

Sorry. Where do I turn DKIM entries off as they are really long and confusing for the end users?

DKIM is indeed available in Virtualmin, though it's not enabled by default.

If it's enabled, it would add a DKIM DNS record to each domain added to the server.

If you no longer need DKIM, you can disable it by going into Email Messages -> DomainKeys Identified Mail, and there set "Signing of outgoing mail enabled?" to "No".

Thanks, marking this as closed again.