how to instal wordpress from script install on a virtualmin Alias Server?

how to instal wordpress from script install on a virtualmin Alias Server? When I try to instal a script through the virtualmin script instal the script isntal just desappears while it does not when it is a normal domain so how can I use the script instal wich does not show From the left side menus once it is for alias domain?



Howdy -- an alias domain is designed to be identical to the parent domain.

Anything in the parent is also in the alias.

So in this case, you would need to perform the WordPress installation in the parent domain -- that would make it accessible for the alias as well.

The problem is I already have another website isntalled on the parent domain so how can I instal in alias domain another website?

So long as it's an alias, it will be identical to the parent domain.

If you no longer want it to be an alias, you could delete the alias domain from Virtualmin, and then add it as a Sub-Server by going into "Create Virtual Server".

Right, I want a subdomain!!! Let me try, thanks