I get the following lines after every installation of any/every package on a test server with virtualmin.
Running rpm_check_debug Running Transaction Test Transaction Test Succeeded Running Transaction Installing : pam_ldap-185-11.el6.x86_64 1/3 Installing : nscd-2.12-1.149.el6_6.7.x86_64 2/3 Installing : nss-pam-ldapd-0.7.5-20.el6_6.3.x86_64 3/3 /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkabc_dir.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libknewstuff.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_klauncher.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkjs.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkjs.so.1.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkparts.so.2.1.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdnssd.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkresources.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkscript.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkunittest.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkhtml.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_kio_http_cache_cleaner.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libDCOP.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libknewstuff.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libtidy-0.99.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkmdi.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkabc_file.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkspell.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libDCOP.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkabc_file.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkommanderwidgets.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libktexteditor.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeui.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkspell.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkwalletclient.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkspell2.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkio.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkjava.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdefakes.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkresources.so.1.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkommanderwidget.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkutils.so.1.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_cupsdconf.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdesu.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkmdi2.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeprint_management.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkparts.so.2 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkmdi2.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libvcard.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdesu.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdnssd.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdecore.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkabc.so.1.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkspell2.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdesasl.so.1.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_kio_uiserver.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_dcopserver.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeprint_management.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkscript.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeui.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkimproxy.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeprint.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdesasl.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkmdi.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_kaddprinterwizard.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkhtml.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkimproxy.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkommanderwidgets.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libartskde.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_kconf_update.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkntlm.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libktexteditor.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_kcookiejar.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkntlm.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkjava.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libtidy-0.99.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkatepartinterfaces.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_kded.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkommanderplugin.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkwalletclient.so.1.0.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_kbuildsycoca.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkio.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libvcard.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkunittest.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkutils.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeinit_kcmshell.so is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdefx.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkommanderwidget.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkmid.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkatepartinterfaces.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkabc_ldapkio.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkwalletbackend.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdecore.so.4 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdeprint.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkmid.so.0.0.95 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdefx.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libartskde.so.1.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkabc.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkwalletbackend.so.1 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkmediaplayer.so.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkabc_dir.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkdefakes.so.4.2.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkabc_ldapkio.so.1.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkmediaplayer.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. /sbin/ldconfig: File /usr/lib64/libkommanderplugin.so.0.0.0 is empty, not checked. Verifying : nscd-2.12-1.149.el6_6.7.x86_64 1/3 Verifying : pam_ldap-185-11.el6.x86_64 2/3 Verifying : nss-pam-ldapd-0.7.5-20.el6_6.3.x86_64 3/3
Dependency Installed:
Complete! .. install complete.
is it normal?
Submitted by andreychek on Wed, 04/29/2015 - 08:53 Comment #1
Howdy -- that's definitely not normal. In fact, I've never seen that before :-)
When did that start happening?
Was there a particular package that was installed just before that began occurring?
Yep, that's new to me, as well. Looks like something (maybe a package installed from source, but possibly something malicious) has zeroed out a bunch of shared libraries on your system. I don't know why that would happen. I guess it could also be a caused by disk corruption or a full disk during upgrades or something along those lines (though RPM should be robust to the latter).
This one is gonna be a general Linux or package manager issue, not related to Virtualmin. So, we might not be the best folks to answer it, but I'll do some googling.
This thread about a similar problem on archlinux has the same basic thoughts I did (package manager or filesystem problems): https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=73452
The solutions suggested are reasonable, though the commands are different from what you'd do on an RPM-based system. The theory of an incomplete transaction in the package manager (when uninstalling or upgrading) seems reasonable, in particular.
To check what package owns a file, for example:
If the files that are producing warnings aren't owned by any packages, deletion of the files might be the right course. Or, you could replace the packages by asking yum what provides the files:
I don't exactly know which package caused it or when but been seeing it over a month or two!
Submitted by andreychek on Sun, 05/03/2015 - 13:10 Comment #5
I don't exactly know which package caused it or when but been seeing it over a month or two!
Do you have any thoughts on Joe's comments in reply #3 above?
For example, you may want to start by running this command:
rpm -qf /usr/lib64/libkabc_ldapkio.so.1.0.0