
  1. Is there a command i can run to find out my smtp server name/smtp for a domain? I need to use it in a software program.

  2. How can i allow postmaster@my ip address? http://www.dnsqueries.com/en/smtp_test_check.php The SMTP server does not accept mails to postmaster@[IP_ADDRESS]. This is a very bad thing, as this address is used by people that don't know your domain name! The reported error is:

    554 5.7.1 <postmaster@[my ip address]>: Relay access denied

Regards Daniel C



Howdy -- I'm not sure I understand what you mean by your "smtp server name/smtp", are you just asking for the hostname to connect to in order to send/receive email? If so, you can use any name that resolves to your server's IP address, though most people use domain.tld or mail.domain.tld.

As far as setting up email to your IP address -- I haven't tested this, but I believe you could setup a Virtual Server using your IP as the domain name. Once you do that, you can then manage email on it like you could on any other Virtual Server.

Thanks Andreychek

  1. Like google got smtp.gmail.com So would my smtp be smtp.mydomain.com or mail.mydomain.com? Is here a place in Virtualmin where i could find this?

  2. So setting postmaster@ip address is not really needed. I asked mainly because of this error The SMTP server does not accept mails to postmaster@[IP_ADDRESS].

Like google got smtp.gmail.com So would my smtp be smtp.mydomain.com or mail.mydomain.com? Is here a place in Virtualmin where i could find this?

To access SMTP, you can use any domain name that resolves to your server, you aren't restricted to any one domain name.

Most people use domain.tld or mail.domain.tld, but you can use any domain name that you want, so long as it resolves to your server's IP address.