Hi Support,
Have an issue with permissions in virtualmin.
I have a drupal site that uses a folder in the main directory to house all images that are displayed on the site. Problem is that when I upload an image using Drupal to the folder the image will not display even though its on the server and the correct url is used to show it in a browser. When I check the uploaded file through webmin the permissions for the image are not all checked on it appears that some of the options are off, i.e anyone other than a specific user can't access the images. The images that have the correct permissions are visible when using the correct url. The folder that houses the images has full access privlages for all to access soI am certain its not the folder, it appears to be during upload that the correct all access permissions are not allocated to the image. Hence can't see the image, until I amnually change the images permssions in virtualmin.
I have the same site on a cpanel account with no issues, and have had a similar issue with LXadmin. Can you shed some light on this issue?