Submitted by webwzrd on Wed, 10/29/2014 - 19:53 Pro Licensee
On one of my servers the Automatically delete spam is not deleting spam. All accounts are set to delete spam after five days.
I have been manually emptying the some of the spam folders, but have some accounts I can show you as examples with a couple weeks of spam stored.
Please advise, Brian
Closed (fixed)
Submitted by JamieCameron on Wed, 10/29/2014 - 21:11 Comment #1
You can try running a manual spam cleanup, by SSHing in as root and running
/etc/webmin/virtual-server/ --debug
. And then search the output for the domain that isn't being cleared - it should explain why that is happening.Submitted by webwzrd on Wed, 10/29/2014 - 22:12 Pro Licensee Comment #2
Thanks Jamie,
What I'm seeing is a whole lot of this (names have been changed to protect the innocent):
user.domain: processing folder /home/domain/homes/juser/Maildir/.spam
user.domain: clearing disabled for folder
Submitted by webwzrd on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 10:34 Pro Licensee Comment #3
If "clearing disabled for folder" is identifying the problem, than where is it that the individual accounts settings are being over-ridden? Or is this a bug?
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 14:19 Comment #4
That means that spam clearing is disabled for that domain - this is set in Virtualmin at Server Configuration -> Spam and Virus Delivery.
Submitted by webwzrd on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 17:28 Pro Licensee Comment #5
The whole reason I'm reporting this is because this domain and ALL others are set to delete spam after 5 days.
"Yes, if older than 5 days"
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 21:00 Comment #6
Do you have a global email retention policy setup at Email Messages -> Mailbox Cleanup ?
Submitted by webwzrd on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 21:10 Pro Licensee Comment #7
I saw the Mailbox Cleanup added as a new feature, however it is still at the default setting. I also have another Virtualmin Pro box that is deleting the spam as intended and the Mailbox Cleanup settings are both identical (default).
Submitted by JamieCameron on Thu, 10/30/2014 - 21:53 Comment #8
It's also possible that Virtualmin is confused about which folder is the spam folder.
Can you post a screenshot of Server Configuration -> Spam and Virus Delivery for this domain?
Submitted by webwzrd on Fri, 10/31/2014 - 11:05 Pro Licensee Comment #9
Here it is.
oops! there was a problem...
I'm getting this error when I try to attach a 70kb jpg:
Validation error, please try again. The file you attempted to upload may be too large. If this error persists, please contact the site administrator.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 10/31/2014 - 12:28 Comment #10
Can you instead email it to me at ?
Submitted by webwzrd on Fri, 10/31/2014 - 13:14 Pro Licensee Comment #11
Submitted by JamieCameron on Fri, 10/31/2014 - 16:02 Comment #12
Ok, I see the bug that causes this now - it will be fixed in the next Virtualmin release.
Submitted by webwzrd on Fri, 10/31/2014 - 19:58 Pro Licensee Comment #13
Thank you very much Jamie!
Submitted by webwzrd on Mon, 11/10/2014 - 08:23 Pro Licensee Comment #14
The update did the trick. running "/etc/webmin/virtual-server/ --debug" produced the desired results this time.
Thank you!
Submitted by Issues on Mon, 11/24/2014 - 08:30 Comment #15
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.
Submitted by Issues on Mon, 11/24/2014 - 08:30 Comment #16
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.