Yesterday we had a major outage due to the Apache webserver management by Virtualmin Pro:
- a beta-testing customer made a change in his proxy settings in Virtualmin Pro, which auto-restarted Apache.
- but he reported that he saw this error there:
" When I tried to switch the Proxy Website on one of the sub sites, it same back with "Restarting webserver....not running", which sounds bad "
- then apache stopped working without restarting.
- later when logging into virtualmin pro, i saw apache not working, clicked restart and it restarted fine.
There are 2 actions to be taken inside Virtualmin (is that possible??) or outside virtualmin (which tools do you recommend?):
1) if a restart fails (e.g. if some httpd processes take to long to stop, or customer stops the pageload), virtualmin should retry a few times, even if customer quits the page.
2) the virtualmin monitoring process should by default restart key services (e.g. apache, databases, mail, sshd, etc) when it sees a service going down unexpectedly. Not only send mails...
Sorry if i missed some key configuration that's not ON by default, or put it OFF by error...but didn't see something at first glance... I'm flagging this as a bug, change to support request if i missed something major. Thanks.