Problem accessing protected web directories after restore to new server

After restoring entire server backup from old server (virtualmin 3.53) to new server (virtualmin 3.63) we are having errors with squirrelmail data folder (rights issue which was corrected by chmod -R 777 data from the squirrelmail root folder) and we are unable to access protected web directories. The httpd error_log for the domain contains the following:

Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /home/industrysystemsinc/public_html/tools/

the directives for that folder are:
DocumentRoot /home/industrysystemsinc/public_html/tools
ErrorLog /home/industrysystemsinc/logs/error_log
CustomLog /home/industrysystemsinc/logs/access_log common
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/industrysystemsinc/cgi-bin/tools/

allow from all
AllowOverride All
Options +Indexes +MultiViews
IndexOptions FancyIndexing FoldersFirst
AuthName "Industry Systems Support Tools"
AuthType Basic
require valid-user
AuthUserFile /home/industrysystemsinc/public_html/tools.pwd
IndexOptions FancyIndexing FoldersFirst

allow from all

Options Indexes MultiViews

It worked fine on the old box.
Attached is the new httpd.conf file


Closed (fixed)