Drupal 6.6 database issue

Hi Support,

I recently set up a Drupal account on a my old Cpanel hosting account for my clients website and have been slowly putting it together on the cpanel development host. Now it is ready and as I a now have hosting with virtualmin I have started the process of migrating the site.

My problem is this, I have used the virtualmin install scripts to set up a copy of Drupal 6.6 on my virtualmin server, Drupal 6.6 has created the mysql database and happily installed via /install.php. I have uploaded the theme and various modules that the site needs and set them up in drupal to be active, all seemed to be going well. The last thing I needed to do was update the database with the development cpanel version tables and records into the vitualmin Drupal site.

This is where I am stuck, although Drupal is functioning it does not seem to see all the records in the virtualmin mysql database. I have installed phpmyadmin to double check the database is fuly loaded and identical to the dveleopment version and all looks fine but for some reason the Drupal insallation on the virtualmin host will not populate correctly forcing me to manually restup the whole site from scratch.

Lastly when I try and check/manage the database in virtualmin an error occurs saying there are too many records to display.

Please can you help as I need this site active by the weekend.

Regards HBoorman

Closed (fixed)
