So on the "Default Settings" template, you can go to "BIND DNS domain" section and select whatever you want, lets say I check "Domain name" and "www.domain" under "Address records for new domains" and hit save.
Now go to the "Settings for Sub-Servers" template and then the "BIND DNS domain" and toggle the top radio from "From default settings" to "Records below" and for "Address records for new domains" select only "Domain name", select "Save". Now return to the "BIND DNS domain" section of the "Settings for Sub-Servers" template. You will note that "From default settings" is selected again for the top radio option.
I don't believe it is just a UI glitch as I tried creating a sub server and the WWW.domain DNS records was created. I also tried creating a new template from default and the same thing happened. As far as I know this bug has been around for a while (I noticed it when I started using Virtualmin about 2 years ago).
I've attached my default and sub server template settings for the BIND section.
I mean this isn't a huge issue (for me at least) as I would prefer to not create www.domain for sub servers.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 07/14/2014 - 12:19 Comment #1
This is kind of glitch - Virtualmin expects you to enter at least one record in the "Records below" box, even if you don't really care what they are. For example you could just enter :
test IN A $IP
That will solve the problem.
Submitted by ReArmedHalo on Mon, 07/14/2014 - 17:25 Comment #2
Hey! It worked! Thanks!
What I ended up doing was unchecking the "Domain" record and entered the following in the text field:
Thus getting the effect of having only selected the "Domain" record checkbox. :)
Submitted by ReArmedHalo on Mon, 11/24/2014 - 19:00 Comment #3
Closing comment:
Would it be possible to fix this glitch so that nothing is required anyways? Or at least update the help text that tells the user they need to at least enter one address and provides an example record? (Perhaps that example could be: ${DOM} IN A $IP, since it is usually going to be required?) Or something different as it is somewhat confusing, especially since if you do specify "${DOM} IN A $IP" then you also need to un-select the domain name check box otherwise you get two records.
Submitted by JamieCameron on Mon, 11/24/2014 - 21:21 Comment #4
I will add a warning message to detect this case in the next release.