Hi Guys,
Another feature request from my "This would be alot easier to use if..." list:
In usermin it is somewhat user unfriendly to create procmail filters for basic scenarios.
For example: I want everything from "Netflix" to go into the "Netflix" folder as I receive it. But, Netflix uses multiple different headers for sending (Netflix Shipping - discship@netflix.com), receiving (Netflix Receiving - discship@netflix.com), and general announcements (Netflix - *@email.netflix.com). So I attempted to create a rule: From equals "*Netflix*" into folder "Netflix". Which doesn't seem to work (and I need to figure out why).
What would make this much easier to use would be the addition of the ability to create a filter based off an email you're looking at.
For example: I'm looking at my latest disc shipment email in Usermin, and next to the "From", "To", and "Subject" lines is an icon. You click on the icon, and it opens the Add Email Filters page, with the appropriate header information already filled in correctly. With the from or to email addresses, possibly with the option to add it so everything from a domain is considered, or just a specific email address.
I know I struggle to add appropriate procmail filters, and would use the feature MUCH more if I could easily build the basic ones - which is what 99% of them are going to be for 99% of the users. Thankfully I've only had one support request so far, and I was able to figure it out. :)